Cdn Ch Romio Craigdale's Taylor Maid

Breeder: Robyn Orvos and Linda Thorpe
Owners: Dale Hunter, Robyn Orvis, Pat McAllister


Am Ch Romio Sheramor Crown Regent Am Ch Beaufleur Crown Royal Sheramor Am Ch Robiane's Sheramor Dreamaker
Kibbatt's Chamour Kiro
Alexsun Sweet Valentine Am Ch Kobold's Skyrocket
Am Ch Alexsun High On Life
Cdn Ch Juliet of Craigdale Am/Cdn Ch Cabochons Auto Pilot Am/Cdn Ch Wendar Fly The Flag
Craigdale Espana
Alexsum Swet Dreams Am Ch Robiane's Sheramor Dreamaker
Alexsun September Morn

Lady / Classy / Flute / Kidd / Oliver / Ole` / Bogie / Arriba / Jessica / Winston / Bill / Treston / Lil / Devon / Joy / Scarlet / Norman / Lordy // Dorothy / Anna / Magi / Toro / Taylor / Carmen / Smoke / Chico / Dancer

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